Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety Resources

  • Separation anxiety is an umbrella term describing the behaviors displayed in dogs when left alone. True separation anxiety can only be diagnosed by a vet. Separation related behaviors (SRB’s) affect millions of dogs and the people who love them. Similar to extreme fears and phobias in humans, dogs who suffering SA and isolation distress are literally having panic attacks when left alone. They are in pain emotionally, afraid, and most importantly their behavior is out of their control. Dogs who have separation anxiety can’t just “get over it”. If left untreated symptoms can and will usually worsen. Punishment often masks or worsens behaviors.

  • A CSAT is a “Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer”. This certification requires rigorous training in the area of separation related behaviors and dogs who display fear, anxiety and stress.

    Dog training is an unregulated industry. It is very important as a dog guardian that you research dog professionals, the experience, credentials and knowledge they have to work with your dog and their specific needs.

    CSAT’s are widely recognized as the leaders of the industry in treating separation anxiety.

    Learn more here: Why Hire a CSAT

  • Definition:

    An evidence based technique in which the learner is gradually exposed to an "anxiety inducing" object, event or place in a predictable manner to help the learner slowly overcome an extreme fear or phobia.


    Gradually exposing your dog to the idea of being alone in predictable baby steps until they find it boring. Then slowly adding more challenge and realistic scenarios.

    Systematic desensitization is considered the gold standard treatment for separation related behaviors for dogs.

  • Due to the nature of separation anxiety in dogs, it is totally unnecessary for a professional to ever see you or your dog in person. In fact a trainers presence in the room can actually do more harm than good as it is crucial that you are training within the normal everyday circumstances your dog lives in.

    With the use of everyday technology like laptops, smart phones, cameras and more we can work with clients all over the world to improve your dogs feelings about alone time.

    See more of the benefits of working remotely here: Training Dogs Online

  • This is the question I am asked most often and the answer is always the same….. “It Depends”

    Separation Anxiety is a panic related behavior challenge which means we are working to change the dogs emotional state not only teaching new skills around being alone. When working with changing emotions we can’t set a timeline. It isn’t up to us, it is up to the dog. Much like going to therapy or seeking help for a phobia for humans, treating an extreme fear such as separation anxiety looks different for every dog based on many variables. We can see progress in weeks, months or longer. The progress can be slow in the early stages but working with someone who specializes in separation anxiety can only help to determine how to best accelerate progress.

  • Separation Anxiety Isn’t Treatable: FALSE - CSAT’s have an average 85% success rate in improving a dogs alone time comfort.

    You Need to crate your SA Dog:

    FALSE - Many dogs with alone time issues also struggle with confinement anxiety. While this is not always the case, crating can exacerbate the issue. Work with a professional to determine what is right for your dog

    Puppies can’t have separation anxiety:

    FALSE - Dogs of any age can suffer from anxiety when alone. Genetics are a strong component to separation anxiety and thinking a puppy with outgrow their anxiety can cause the problem to worsen.

  • That depends on the length of treatment you choose. Working with separation anxiety is quite different from regular dog training classes or other behavior modification programs.

    I invest considerable time creating specific, individualized plans, reviewing video regularly, giving feedback, and adjusting the written criteria based on reading the dog’s body language and assessing his progress.

    I try to offer a variety of pricing options, free resources as well as sliding scale slots for those in need.

    Other potential additional costs in treating separation anxiety are the purchase of an inexpensive webcam (if you don’t already have one) and a checkup with your veterinarian (if necessary) and any costs of pet care to help in suspending absences.

    See additional information on sliding scale options

  • I offer 2 sliding scale slots to intensive training clients each month.

    1 - 4 week slot per client at a time.

    * Option A: 20% price reduction (pay 80%)

    * Option B: 40% price reduction (pay 60%)

    * Option C: 60% price reduction (pay 40%)

    *Payment plans are also available weekly or bi-weekly.

    If a sliding scale spot is not available at the time of request, it can be reserved for a future month.

    Please note that my sliding scale is not just a “discount” option for the first person who takes it. I can offer this service to those in need due to the integrity of my amazing clients. If you are able to pay full-price for services, please do so. My pricing reflects my experience, education, market value and cost of living.

    These factors are how I ensure that sliding scale options are available for those who truly need them. I realize that I come from a place of privilege and aim make services as accessible as possible while still earning a living wage.

    See more information here to determine if you might qualify: Worts + Cunninging Sliding Scale

Self-Paced Programs

While I believe that working one on one with a separation anxiety professional is the best option to resolution, I realizing it is not within all budgets or time frames and many professionals may have wait lists. If you cannot work one on one I would highly suggest investing in a consultation with a CSAT or a self paced program where you still have the guidance of a professional. Below are some fantastic options for self paced programs:

Mission Possible 2.0 - Newly launched and improved self paced course!

Malena DeMartini

Online, self paced course, Mission POSSIBLE 2.0 is the perfect place to start your separation anxiety journey. Moderated by CSATs, you’ll learn the ins and outs of SA better preparing your for one on one training.

Mission Possible 2.0

Use code CSAT50 - for $50 off mission possible with the above link

Do It Yourself Separation Anxiety Program

Separation Anxiety Dog / Dr. Moira Hechenleitner DVM, CSAT

This self-paced behavior modification course is specifically designed so dog pros and dog companions can learn step by step what is separation anxiety, how to find out if their dog suffers from it, and how to setup an effective training plan to help him/her overcome it.

Home Alone Academy

Training with Ally



Educating yourself about the ins and outs of separation anxiety, dog body language, meeting your dogs overall needs and basic dog behavior is highly recommended! Here are some books to start with…

Separation Anxiety in Dogs: Next Generation Treatment Protocols & Practices by Malena DeMartini

Canine Enrichment for the Real World by Allie Bender & Emily Strong

Doggie Language by Lili Chin

Plenty In Life Is Free: Kathy Sdao

Canine Body Language, A Photographic Guide: Brenda Aloff